Results for 'Abraham Cohen de Herrera'

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  1.  15
    Epítome y compendio de la lógica o dialéctica.Abraham Cohen de Herrera - 2002 - Bologna: CLUEB.
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    Miquel Beltrán, The Influence of Abraham Cohen de Herrera’s Kabbalah on Spinoza’s Metaphysics. Brill, Leiden/Boston, 2016. 449 páginas. ISBN: 978-90- 04-31567-9. [REVIEW]Llorenç Marquès Bennasar - 2017 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 34 (1):261-264.
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    Abraham Cohen de Herrera in Hamburg.Franz Niewöhner - 1983 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 35 (2):163-167.
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    The Influence of Abraham Cohen de Herrera's Kabbalah on Spinoza's Metaphysics by Miquel Beltràn.Yitzhak Y. Melamed - 2017 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 55 (3):544-545.
    Addressing the alleged "great secrets" contained in Scripture, Spinoza wrote in the Theological Political Treatise : "I have also read, and for that matter, known personally, certain Kabbalistic triflers. I've never been able to be sufficiently amazed by their madness". Were these words Spinoza's only reference to the Kabbalah, we would hardly have any reason to believe that his attitude toward the Kabbalistic literature was anything but dismissive. However, in a 1675 letter to Henry Oldenburg, Spinoza stressed that he shared (...)
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    Der Grabstein des Abraham Cohen de Herrera.Winfried Schröder - 1988 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 40 (1):87-88.
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    Impronta del acosmismo luriánico en la "Ethica" de Spinoza.Miquel Beltrán - 2015 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 40 (2):63-81.
    El objetivo del artículo es exponer la doctrina acosmista que se halla en la cábala de Luria, tal como la describe Abraham Cohen de Herrera en Puerta del cielo, y cómo pudo ocurrir que a través de la lectura de esta obra aquella doctrina influyera en la concepción de Spinoza sobre la irrealidad de los modos.
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    Cohen de Herrera, A., "Puerta del Cielo". Editorial Trotta, Madrid, 2015. [REVIEW]Jordi Fairhurst - 2016 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 33 (2):717-719.
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    Abraham Cohen Herrera.Francesca di Poppa - 2009 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 83 (4):491-507.
    In this paper, I argue that Herrera’s discussion of the emanative process in his Gate of Heaven is a plausible source for Spinoza’s concept of the attributes as developed in Ethics. While Herrera’s influence on the development of Spinoza’s thought has been discussed, I argue that previous interpretations have not captured the nature of this influence. I will first offer an overview of Herrera’s discussion of the relationship between the One and the sefirot. I will then criticize (...)
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    The Kabbalistic Sources of Spinoza.Johan Aanen - 2016 - Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy 24 (2):279-299.
    _ Source: _Volume 24, Issue 2, pp 279 - 299 This article provides the first overview of research on the kabbalistic sources of Benedictus de Spinoza. While this topic has not been a major focus in Spinoza research, this article argues that it has both biographical and philosophical relevance for the investigation of Spinoza and the context in which he first conceived of his hallmark ideas. Revisiting the extant historical sources, this article refines the present understanding of the connection between (...)
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    Le Talmud.Abraham Cohen - 1933 - Paris,: Payot.
    Nul n'était mieux qualifié que l'autour de ce livre - docteur en philosophie et rabbin de la synagogue de Birmingham - pour entreprendre le véritable tour de force qu'il a réussi en réalisant la synthèse de l'enseignement contenu dans le Talmud. La richesse de son information n'a d'égale que la maîtrise avec laquelle il répartit son savoir en une suite de chapitres aussi clairs que précis. Cet ouvrage, pendant longtemps encore, rendra d'inestimables services à ses lecteurs.
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    (1 other version)Mercy, Murder, and Morality.C. J. van der Berge, Herman H. van der Kloot Meijburg, I. van der Sluis, Henk Rigter, Courtney S. Campbell, Bette-Jane Crigger, J. G. M. Aarsten, P. V. Admiraal, I. D. de Beaufort, Th M. G. van Berkestijin, J. B. van Borssum Waalkes, E. Borst-Eilers, W. H. Cense, H. S. Cohen, H. M. Dupuis, W. Everaerd, J. K. M. Gevers, H. W. A. Hilhorst, W. R. Kastelein, H. H. van der Kloot Meijburg, H. M. Kuitert, H. J. J. Leemen, C. van der Meer, J. C. Molenaar, H. D. C. Roscam Abbing, H. Roelink, E. Schroten, C. P. Sporken, E. Ph R. Sutorius, J. Tromp Meesters, M. A. M. de Wachter, Abraham van der Spek & Richard Fenigsen - 1989 - Hastings Center Report 19 (6):47.
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    Apuntes sobre nihilismo: de la Ilustración a la bomba atómica. Un estudio comparativo entre J. G. Hamann Y Günther Anders. [REVIEW]Abraham Hernández Pérez & Rayco Herrera - 2020 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 25 (1):61-76.
    En este trabajo pretendemos comparar y poner en conexión la crítica de Hamann a la Ilustración y la crítica a la tecnología de Anders. La bomba atómica, entendida como paradigma tecnológico, se presenta como un punto de no retorno. Los orígenes de la lógica destructiva que la hace posible pueden ser rastreados hasta la Ilustración. En el periodo de las luces, Hamann aparece como un foco de resistencia frente a las sombras de un sistema que idealizó la racionalidad. A través (...)
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    La disputa contra Aristóteles y sus seguidores.Hernando Alonso de Herrera - 2003 - [Spain]: Junta de Castilla y León, Consejería de Cultura y Turismo : Universidad de León. Edited by María Isabel Lafuente, Sánchez Manzano & María Asunción.
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    Aristotle’s Practical Philosophy: On the Relationship between the Ethics and Politics.Emma Cohen de Lara & Rene Brouwer (eds.) - 2017 - Chem, Switzerland: Springer.
    This book is the first collection of essays in English devoted solely to the relationship between Aristotle’s ethics and politics. Are ethics and politics two separate spheres of action or are they unified? Those who support the unity-thesis emphasize the centrality for Aristotle of questions about the good life and the common good as the purpose of politics. Those who defend the separation-thesis stress Aristotle’s sense of realism in understanding the need for political solutions to human shortcomings. But is this (...)
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    Topic, focus, and configurationality: papers from the 6th Groningen Grammar Talks, Groningen, 1984.Werner Abraham & Sjaak de Meij (eds.) - 1986 - Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
    INTRODUCTION WERNER ABRAHAM, LACI MARÁCZ, SJAAK DE MEY & WIM SCHERPENISSE University of Groningen The Groningen Conference on Topic, ...
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    A Treatise on Aleatory Probability.Agustin de Herrera & Sven K. Knebel - 1996 - Modern Schoolman 73 (3):199-264.
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    Judaism and Islam.William M. Brinner, Abraham Geiger & Gerson D. Cohen - 1973 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 93 (1):76.
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    Freud, el teólogo negativo.Ricardo Cabezas de Herrera Fernández - 1989 - [s.l.]: Excma. Diputación Provincial de Badajoz.
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    Leadership as service: developing a character education program for university students in Spain.Emma Cohen de Lara, Álvaro Lleó, Vianney Domingo & José M. Torralba - 2024 - International Journal of Ethics Education 9 (2):209-227.
    This paper describes the development and implementation of a character education program at the University of Navarra. The Leadership as Service Program has been developed in collaboration with the Oxford Character Project, and has adapted its Global Leadership Initiative to the Spanish context. The purpose of the Leadership as Service Program is to help students develop a sense of personal purpose, and virtues that are specific to leadership, such as prudence, humility, gratitude, resilience, and service. The methodology of the program (...)
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    Correction: Leadership as service: developing a character education program for university students in Spain.Emma Cohen de Lara, Álvaro Lleó, Vianney Domingoa & José M. Torralba - 2024 - International Journal of Ethics Education 9 (2):331-332.
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    Nurses’ perspectives on ethical aspects of telemedicine. A scoping review.Guillerma Medina Martin, Eva de Mingo Fernández & Maria Jiménez Herrera - forthcoming - Nursing Ethics.
    Background Changes in health needs led to an increase in virtual care practices such as telemedicine. Nursing plays an essential role in this practice as it is the key to accessing the healthcare system. It is important that this branch of nursing is developed considering all the ethical aspects of nursing care, and not just the legal concepts of the practice. However, this question has not been widely explored in the literature and it is of crucial relevance in the new (...)
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    Ph.D. Carlos Herrera de la Fuente.Carlos Herrera de la Fuente - 2021 - International Journal of Žižek Studies 15 (1).
    Open Letter to Comrade Žižek is an attempt to question and highlight some incongruous points that Slavoj Žižek, one of the greatest critics of capitalism and its ideological effects in the contemporary world, expressed in his latest books about the Pandemics. The text focuses in the economic, political, social and cultural consequences of Žižek’s position and goes further in developing another position related to the spread of COVID-19 and the preventive measures to fight it.
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    Editorial: Special Issue CISIS13-IGPL.Álvaro Herrero, Bruno Baruque, Ajith Abraham, André C. P. L. F. de Carvalho, Pablo García Bringas, Héctor Quintián & Emilio Corchado - 2016 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 24 (1).
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    El signficado de la exhortación atenerse uno mismo y al Dhamma como isla y refugio.Abraham Vélez de Cea - 2000 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 5:199.
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  25. La transgresión de los valores morales por el conocimiento auto afirmativo en una sociedad con un modo de producción capitalista neoliberal.Luis Carlos Herrera Gutiérrez de Velasco - 2020 - In Herrera Gutiérrez de Velasco, Luis Carlos & Martín Clavé Almeida, Transgresión: en la historia, la arquitectura, los objetos y la comunicación. [Ciudad de México]: Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Azcapotzalco, División de Ciencias y Artes para el Diseño, Departamento de Evaluación del diseño en el tiempo, Área de Historia del Diseño.
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    The Organizational Commitment in the Company and Its Relationship With the Psychological Contract.Juan Herrera & Carlos De Las Heras-Rosas - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Business organizations in their work environment, aspire to create a high level of performance and low levels of absenteeism and turnover. Organizational commitment is considered a key factor in achieving this objective, however, it can be conditioned by several factors, among which is the psychological contract. The literature has related the organizational commitment with the fulfillment of the psychological contract framing it as one of the explanatory variables. This work aims to investigate research trends on psychological contract and organizational commitment. (...)
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  27. El rol del docente y del estudiante en las clases de historia/The Students' and the Teacher's Role in History Classes.Zandra Herrera & Beatriz Arrieta de Meza - 2013 - Telos (Venezuela) 15 (3):372-387.
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  28. La magia en dos tratados de patología del siglo XIV: árabe y castellano.María de la Concepción Vázquez de Benito & M. T. Herrera - 1991 - Al-Qantara 12 (2):389-399.
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  29. Hermeneutics, myth, symbol, religious language.J. Abraham Vélez de Cea - 2018 - In Peter C. Phan, Young-Chan Ro & Rowan Williams, Raimon Panikkar: a companion to his life and thought. Cambridge, United Kingdom: James Clarke & Co.
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    Transgresión: en la historia, la arquitectura, los objetos y la comunicación.Herrera Gutiérrez de Velasco, Luis Carlos & Martín Clavé Almeida (eds.) - 2020 - [Ciudad de México]: Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Azcapotzalco, División de Ciencias y Artes para el Diseño, Departamento de Evaluación del diseño en el tiempo, Área de Historia del Diseño.
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  31. Religion de la raison tirée des sources du judaïsme, coll. « Questions ».Hermann Cohen, Marc B. de Launay & Anne Lagny - 1996 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 186 (4):565-568.
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    Procesamiento de oraciones ecuacionales en español: Efectos de la edad, memoria operativa, complejidad sintáctica Y Una carga de memoria concurrente.Mónica Véliz de Vos, Bernardo Riffo, José Luis Salas-Herrera & Rubén Roa-Ureta - 2018 - Alpha (Osorno) 46:175-197.
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    Tilakaratne, Manga. Nirvana and Ineffability: A Study of the Buddhist Theory of Reality and Language.Abraham Vélez de Cea - 1996 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 1:263.
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    On the Possibility of and Justification for a Philosophical Interpretation of Kabbalah: The Scholem-Gordin Correspondence.Ori Werdiger - 2020 - Naharaim 14 (2):297-312.
    This article introduces and discusses a short correspondence that took place in November 1931 between Gershom Scholem and Jacob Gordin. Gordin was a Russian-Jewish philosopher of religion, an expert on Hermann Cohen, and a founding figure of the postwar Paris School of Jewish Thought. The initial motivation for the correspondence was Scholem’s wish to produce a critical edition of the 17th century kabbalistic work, Shaar Hashamayim by Abraham Cohen Herrera, for which he asked for Gordin’s help. (...)
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    Derrida and ethics: hospitable thought.Henk De Vries & Tom Cohen - 2001 - In Tom Cohen, Jacques Derrida and the Humanities: A Critical Reader. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    (1 other version)Everyman's Talmud.Abraham Cohen - 1934 - New York,: E. P. Dutton.
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    Commentaire de la Critique de la Raison pure de Kant (1907).Hermann Cohen & Marc B. De Launay - 1989 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 94 (2):165 - 170.
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    Principle and Practicality.Wm Theodore de Bary & Mixhael Cohen - 1979 - Columbia University Press.
    These essays explore the continuities and discontinuities between the Neo-Confucian thought of Ming China and early Tokugawa Japan and the practical learning of the 17th and 18th centuries, underlining the need for a deeper examination of the complex relationship between traditional and modern thoughts and values.
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    Discursos a la nación mexicana sobre la educación nacional.Abraham Castellanos & Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Educaciâon - 1990 - Oaxaca, México: Sección 22 del SNTE (CNTE).
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    El rol del docente y del estudiante en las clases de historia.Zandra Herrera Jacobs & Beatriz Arrieta de Meza - 2013 - Telos (Venezuela) 15 (3):372-387.
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  41. Francisco Guillermo Herrera Armendia. Reseña de artículo:" La neurología del Tiempo. Una aproximación teórica".Mtro Francisco Guillermo Herrera Armendia - 2005 - Episteme 1 (3).
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    inclusión del patrimonio cultural de México a través de las pedagogías propias de los pueblos originarios como valores compartidos en los programas de formación docente.Graciela Herrera Labra & María de Jesús Salazar Muro - 2018 - Clío: History and History Teaching 44:325-341.
    El artículo tiene como finalidad justificar por qué es importante incluir las pedagogías propias de los pueblos originarios en los programas de formación docente de educación básica a nivel nacional, como valores compartidos de su patrimonio cultural tangible e intangible. Este patrimonio cultural es el pilar histórico de México, que por supuesto no se encuentra sólo en los pueblos originarios, sino que responde a un proceso histórico social determinado de la nación y que, a pesar de la conquista europea, siguió (...)
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  43. La religion dans les limites de la philosophie, coll. « La Nuit surveillée ».Hermann Cohen, Marc B. de Launay & Carole Prompsy - 1990 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 180 (3):557-558.
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    Making a Case When Theory is Unfalsifiable.Abraham Hirsch & Neil de Marchi - 1986 - Economics and Philosophy 2 (1):1.
    Milton Friedman's famous methodological essay contains, along with much else, some strands that look as though they were taken from the “empirical-scientific” fabric described by Karl Popper. Think, for example, of Friedman's conviction that the way to test a hypothesis is to compare its implications with experience. Or of his more or less explicit espousal of the view that while no amount of facts can ever prove a hypothesis true, a single “fact” may refute it. Or of his assertion that (...)
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    Mental Health Care and Policy (In)justice in Ontario: Making Intersections Visible.Abraham J. Cohen, Marina Morrow & Edward Rawson - 2024 - Studies in Social Justice 18 (3):461-480.
    This paper applies an Intersectionality Based Policy Analysis Framework to Ontario’s current mental health plan – The Roadmap: A Plan to Build Ontario’s Mental Health and Addictions Services – in order to identify the contextual influences, underlying values and assumptions, which promote or undermine the uptake of human rights and equity as a mental health policy priority in Ontario. We found that dominant framings of the “problem” of mental health (as lack of access, coordination or integration, as a fiscal drain, (...)
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    Gérard Lebrun philosophe.Michèle Cohen-Halimi, Vinicius de Figueiredo & Nuria Sánchez Madrid (eds.) - 2017 - [Paris]: Beauchesne.
    "Commentateur aussi atypique que profond des œuvres de Kant, Hegel et Nietzsche auxquelles il a consacré trois livres, Kant et la fin de la métaphysique (1970), La Patience du Concept (1972) et L’Envers de la dialectique (2004), Gérard Lebrun gagne, peu à peu, une actualité grandissante, qui réside dans une entière occupation du temps. Après avoir reconsidéré le fameux problème de la « fin de la métaphysique » selon une perspective kantienne, et pour être resté lecteur de Hegel, mais aussi (...)
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  47. The Buddhist theory of dharmas.Abraham de Cea & Maria Lopez - 1998 - Endoxa 10:411-432.
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    Buite die raamwerk.Willem Abraham De Klerk - 1968 - [Kaapstad]: Nasionale Boekhandel.
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  49. Examen du Prince de Machiavel, Avec des Notes Historiques & Politiques.Niccolò Frederick, Abraham-Nicolas Voltaire, Machiavelli & Amelot de La Houssaie - 1741 - Chez Guillaume Meyer.
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    La teoría buddhista de los dharmas.Abraham Vélez de Cea - 1998 - Endoxa 1 (10):411.
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